Sept/Oct 2002 Syllabus changes

This section outlines the omissions that can be made from Conquering Chemistry as a result of the changes that were made to the syllabus in September/October 2002. The revised syllabus can be obtained from the Board of Studies web site,

The first of the two sub-sections below is for students: it tells you what you can omit from CCHSC. The second sub-section is primarily for teachers: it gives more detail about what the changes are and how they affect CCHSC.

In both sub-sections LC, MC and RC mean left, middle and right column respectively and DP means dot point. The references are to the original syllabus (1999 or March/April 2001)

1. For students

As a result of these syllabus changes you should omit the following:

In Chapter 11

· Omit Sections 11.5 and 11.6 on pages 386-9. 
Omit Exercises 8 to 10 on pages 387-8 and Exercises 11 to 16 on pages 389-90.
· Before studying Section 11.7 on page 391 study Sections 2.10 and 2.11 (down to more easily oxidised than water.) on pages 49-51 (This material has been omitted from Module 1 but is needed for this option.)
Work Exercises 18 (a) and (b) and 19 on pages 53-4.
· Omit Section 11.10 on pages 396-8.
Omit Exercises 24 to 30 on pages 398-9.

In Chapter 12

There are no changes for this chapter.

In Revision Tests for Option 2

In Test A omit Question 2. Allow 40 minutes for the test and mark it out of 22.
In Test B omit Question 2. Allow 38 minutes for the test and mark it out of 21.

2. For teachers

The changes to the syllabus and their consequences for Conquering Chemistry are set out in the following table.

Syllabus change Consequence for using CCHSC
Section 9.6.1 
In MC DP 4 and in RC DP 1 insert 'Volta' 

None (Volta's contribution is already discussed in CCHSC.)
Section 9.6.3
Delete DPs 1 and 2

Omit Sections 11.5 and 11.6 on pages 386-9.
Omit Exercises 8 to 10 on pages 387-8 and Exercises 11 to 16 on pages 389-90.

Before treating Section 11.7 on page 391 you will need to discuss Sections 2.10 and 2.11 (down to more easily oxidised than water.) on pages 49-51 (This material has been omitted from Module 1 but is needed for this option.)
Include Exercises 18 (a) and (b) and 19 on pages 53-4.

Delete DP 5
Delete DPs 1, 2, 3 and 4
Omit Section 11.10 on pages 396-7 and Exercises 24 to 30 on pages 398-9; omit Exercise 7 on page 413.

Deletes some compulsory experiments and some other material already mentioned for omission above.
Section 9.6.6
replace DP 2

None; CCHSC already conforms to the new wording (old wording was incorrect).
Section 9.6.7
Change wording in DP 4

Delete DPs 1 and 2
Insert new DP 1

None; information in CCHSC is adequate for the new wording (lead objects can be cleaned and stabilised in ways similar to those used for copper and its alloys).

Deletes two compulsory experiments
None; Cook's cannons and silver coin restoration suffice.

Choosing an option

Two major considerations for teachers In selecting the one option (of the five available) for their students to study, are first their students' likely interest in the topic and secondly their ability to cope with the amount and complexity of the material. Other considerations are likely to be how well the material integrates with and reinforces core material and how straight-forward and/or predictable are likely examination questions on the material.

Judging by the number of pages I needed to cover the material in each of the three options treated in Conquering Chemistry, the Shipwrecks and salvage option appears to be the shortest, and the material does to a significant extent reinforce and extend core material, though some of it can be difficult to understand for weaker students. In some ways the material in Industrial chemistry may be more straight forward, but apart from chemical equilibrium it does not flow as directly from core material. Probably there is less scope for problem-solving type exam questions and more reliance upon factual recall: these latter facts could be seen as advantages to certain groups of students. There appears to be much more material in Forensic chemistry and much of it is quite complex for students whose background in organic chemistry is just the core material. While a good option for students with a strong biological interest, it could be daunting for weaker students.

Another factor (for teachers, but not for their students) is that Shipwrecks and salvage is closely related to the Oxidation and reduction elective of the previous syllabus.

In writing Conquering Chemistry I thought that the other two options, Biochemistry of movement and Chemistry of art, contained too much material of too diverse a nature for the seven weeks available for the study of the option. Of course these options will particularly appeal to certain groups of students – those strongly interested in sport and dance and those with a strong artistic bent – and strong motivation can easily overcome barriers that may seem daunting to others.

Some teaching points

1. Early history

It was surprising that the original syllabus omitted Volta. No account of the development of electricity could be complete without Volta's contribution. Maybe it was Galvani's 'silly' experiment of sticking wires into frogs' legs that inspired Volta to develop his more productive experiments and to show that the generation of electricity was chemical and not physiological, though Volta still got the interpretation wrong. It was Davy who first recognised that it was chemical reaction at the interface between electrode surface and aqueous solution (and not contact voltages between two different metals) that was producing the electric current. Fortunately the Sept/Oct 2002 syllabus changes put Volta back into the history. Volta had been fully treated in CCHSC right from the start.

2. Cell voltages and electrode potentials

Cell voltages and electrode potentials are no longer mentioned in the syllabus for this option. However I guess there is nothing to stop examiners asking a question on them, though I think this is most unlikely while examiners are in their current 'regurgitate facts' mode. The extra worked examples that used to be here have been moved to Module 1 (though I feel that there is less need for them now than when I first wrote these pages).

3. Electrolysis

Electrolysis has been deleted from Module 1. However it is most definitely in this option. It is therefore necessary for students to study the introduction to electrolysis on pages 49 to 51 of CCHSC before studying Sections 11.7 to 11.9 in this option.

The syllabus requires students to describe what happens at the anode and cathode 'during electrolysis of selected aqueous solutions'. Its hard to know just what aqueous solutions are required, so to be on the safe side CCHSC treats the whole range of aqueous solutions (see pages 391–2). In summary 

Different possibilities for electrolysis of solutions of ionic substances:

  At the cathode (–ve) At the anode (+ve) Example
(a) the cation is reduced   the anion is oxidised CuCl2
(b) the cation is reduced    water (or OH) is oxidised (to O2) CuSO4
(c) water (or H+) is reduced 
(to H2)
the anion is oxidised KI
(d) water (or H+) is reduced 
(to H2)
water (or OH) is oxidised (to O2) Na2SO4

All of the above are with inert electrodes – electrodes that do not undergo chemical change during the electrolysis. Common cases in which an electrode reacts are electrolysis of aqueous solutions of copper and silver salts using a copper or silver anode respectively (Cu ® Cu2+ and Ag ® Ag+).

Most electrolyses are not particularly sensitive to the concentration of the ions present, the exception being chloride where concentrated solutions produce chlorine gas  while dilute ones form hydroxide (page 393).

Correlation with electrode potentials
What happens during electrolysis of aqueous solutions can be roughly correlated with electrode potentials (pages 393–4). Basically, the higher the electrode potential the more readily the reduction half reaction occurs and the less readily the oxidation (reverse) half reaction occurs. Hence Ag+ and Cu2+ are more easily reduced than is H+, but H+ is reduced in preference to Al3+ or Na+ (Eos are +0.80, +0.34, 0.00, –1.66 and –2.71 V respectively). Iodide is more easily oxidised than bromide which in turn is more easily oxidised than water; however water is more easily oxidised than is fluoride (Eos are +0.54, +1.09, +1.23, and +2.87 V respectively). Water and chlorine are close together (1.36 and 1.23 V) so changing the concentration of chloride can change which is oxidised preferentially. (Remember Eos refer to reduction half reactions.)

4. Bacterial corrosion of shipwrecks

The original syllabus document (page 72) required students to 'describe the bacteria as sulfur reducing species whose wastes produce acidic environments'. I have been unable to find reference to any bacteria that reduce sulfur species and produce acidic solutions. Reduction of sulfate to sulfide inevitably produces hydroxide which in the presence of Fe2+ forms insoluble iron(II) hydroxide, so the process does not alter the pH of the sea water. The changed wording in DP 2 of Section 9.6.6 seems to recognise this. There are bacteria that produce acidic conditions but they do not also reduce sulfur. 

Supplementary material

1. Restoration of artefacts recovered from shipwrecks

CCHSC discusses the restoration of the cannons that were thrown overboard when Captain Cook's ship, Endeavour struck the Great Barrier Reef off what is now Cooktown in 1770.

These six cannons were originally located by scientists from the Philadelphia Institute (USA) in 1969. They recovered some of them; an Australian group recovered the rest in 1970 along with about 90 iron ingots (used as ballast in the ship). The cannons were restored by what was then called the Australian Defence Science Services of the (Commonwealth) Department of Supply. Of the cannons, one went to the Philadelphia Institute, one to the Grenwich Maritime Museum (in Great Britain), one to the National Museum of New Zealand; of the three that stayed in Australia, one is at Kurnell, one at the Cooktown Museum and the other at the National Maritime Museum in Sydney.

An excellent account of the recovery and restoration of these cannons, along with many informative and attractive photos, is the book,
Cook's Cannon and Anchor, Dennis Callegari, Kangaroo Press, Sydney 1994.

A more technical and detailed account of restoration of objects recovered from the sea is the book,
Conservation of Marine Archeological Objects, Colin Pearson (ed), Butterworths, 1987.
This book discusses restoration of wooden and leather objects as well as metal ones.

Other shipwrecks that have aroused considerable Australian interest are those of the Bounty and Pandora. After the mutiny of the Bounty in 1789 and Captain Bligh's epic journey back to England, the British navy sent the Pandora to capture the mutineers and recover the Bounty. Some mutineers were captured in Tahiti but the Bounty was not found (It had sailed to Pitcairn Island where it was burnt.) On the return journey the Pandora struck the Barrier Reef off Cape York and sank. This wreck has been located in recent decades and objects are being salvaged and restored from it (see the photo of the Pandora cannon on page 377)

2. Acid sulfate soils (and acid mine drainage)

On page 418 it is explained how certain bacteria can reduce sulfate (to sulfide) and so bring about corrosion of iron at ocean depths too great for there to be sufficient dissolved oxygen to corrode the iron. This may bring to mind an environmental problem that often occurs in Australia, namely acid sulfate soils (which is not a very informative name!).

Some soils when they are disturbed – dug up for farming or excavated for sub-divisions and buildings – produce acid which drains into waterways and so has a detrimental effect upon aquatic life. The problem here is oxidation of sulfide to sulfate – in some ways the opposite to the bacterial oxidation of shipwrecks.

The soils that produce acidic run-offs are ones that contain iron pyrites, FeS2. This unexpected formula arises because the two S atoms are covalently bonded together to form the S22– ion: S–S. The peroxide anion O22– in Na2O2 or BaO2 is similar: compare with the structure of hydrogen peroxide H–O–O–H .

On exposure to air (oxygen) iron pyrites oxidises to Fe(II) sulfate and sulfuric acid:
2FeS2(s) + 7O2(g) + 2H2O(l)
® 2Fe2+(aq) + 4SO42–(aq) + 4H+(aq)
(the products could be written 2FeSO4 + 2H2SO4)
This overall equation is made up of the two half equations:
FeS2 + 8H2O ® Fe2+ + 2SO42– + 16H+ + 14e
O2 + 4H+ + 4e
® 2H2O

The Fe2+ is then oxidised to Fe3+ (at the low pH involved, generally by bacteria such as Thiobaccillus ferrooxidans) and precipitates out as a yellow-brown gelatinous Fe(OH)3. This leads to further acid production:
(aq) + O2(g) + 4H+(aq) ® 4Fe3+(aq) + 2H2O(l)
4Fe3+(aq) + 12H2O(l)
® 4Fe(OH)3(s) + 12H+(aq)

Water draining from coal mines is often quite acidic. The cause is this same series of reactions: mining exposes iron pyrites to air and so oxidation occurs. This is called acid mine drainage and is a serious problem for most coal mines.

3. Acidic and alkaline forms of equations

Sometimes equations, particularly half equations, are written in terms of H+ ions and at others in terms of OH ions; for example
2H+ + 2e ® H2 (acidic form)
2H2O + 2e  ®
H2 + 2OH(alkaline form)
We generally write the form that is most applicable to the solutions being discussed – whether they are acidic or alkaline.

An 'acidic' form of an equation can be converted to an 'alkaline' form as follows:

1. To each side of the equation add a number of OHs equal to the number of H+s present
2. On the side that has both OHs and H+s, combine these into H2O
3. Cancel out any molecules of water that appear on both sides of the equation
For example:
2H+ + 2e ® H2
2H+ + 2OH + 2e ® H2 + 2OH
2H2O + 2e ® H2 + 2OH(no H2O to cancel)

Similarly for the production of oxygen in the 'electrolysis of water'
2H2O ® O2 + 4H+ + 4e (acidic form)

Add 4OH to both sides: 2H2O + 4OH ® O2 + 4H+ + 4e+ 4OH
Combine to 4H2O: 2H2O + 4OH ® O2 + 4H2O + 4e
Cancel 2H2O from each side to give:
4OH ® O2 + 2H2O + 4e(alkaline form)

To convert an alkaline form to an acidic form add H+s to both sides and proceed similarly.

Electrolysis of water
Such conversions are often required in writing equations for so-called electrolysis of water experiments. 

For the electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid (hydrolysis of water) we would use acidic forms:
At the cathode: 2H+ + 2e ® H2
At the anode: 2H2O ® O2 + 4H+ + 4e
Overall (double the first and add to the second): 4H+ + 2H2O ® O2 + 4H+ + 2H2
Cancelling out 4H+ gives: 2H2O ® 2H2 + O2

For electrolysis of sodium hydroxide solution (also hydrolysis of water) we would use alkaline forms:
At the cathode: 2H2O + 2e ® H2 + 2OH
At the anode: 4OH ® O2 + 2H2O + 4e
Overall: 2H2O ® 2H2 + O2 (double the 1st, add to 2nd, cancel out 2H2O + 4OH)

For electrolysis of near neutral solutions of salts such as sodium nitrate, magnesium sulfate or potassium fluoride which are also electrolysis of water we could use either the acidic pair or the alkaline pair (but don't use one of each!). 

Oxidation by O2 in corrosion contexts
In corrosion contexts oxidation is often by oxygen gas either dissolved in water or from the air. Again we can write the reduction half equation in either acidic or alkaline forms:
O2 + 4H+ + 4e
® 2H2O
O2 + 2H2O + 4e
® 4OH

4. Different Eos for different forms of similar half reactions

From a table of standard electrode potentials we find that the two forms of what is essentially the one process have different Eos: for example

(i) O2 + 4H+ + 4e ® 2H2 Eo = 1.23 V
(ii) O2 + 2H2O + 4e ® 4OH Eo = 0.40 V

The reason lies in the 'standard' part of the name. The standard electrode potential is the value when all solutes in the reaction (equation) are present at concentrations of 1.00 mol/L (and gases present at partial pressures of 1.00 atmosphere). So the value for equation (i) is for [H+] = 1.00 mol/L (and so with [OH]  = 1.0 x 10–14 mol/L).  The Eo value for equation (ii) is for [OH] = 1.0 mol/L and so [H+] = 1.0 x 10–14 mol/L).

We can calculate a (non-standard) electrode potential for both of these half reactions for [H+] = [OH] = 1.0 x 10–7 mol/L (that is pH = 7.0; neutral solution). It is 0.82 V for both of them.

O2 + 4H+ + 4e ® 2H2 EpH=7.0 = 0.82 V
O2 + 2H2O + 4e ® 4OH EpH=7.0 = 0.82 V

Getting the same value for both should be no surprise: after all both equations simply represent the reduction of oxygen gas in water. Or looked at from the other direction, they both represent the oxidation of water to oxygen gas.

Similarly for

2H+ + 2e ® H2 Eo = 0.00 V
2H2O + 2e ® H2 + 2OH Eo = –0.826 V

the first value refers to [H+] = 1.00 mol/L while for the second [OH] = 1.0 mol/L. Again we can calculate a value for pH = 7.0

2H+ + 2e ® H2 EpH=7.0 = –0.41 V
2H2O + 2e ® H2 + 2OH EpH=7.0 = –0.41 V

Again the same value should be no surprise because both half equations just represent the reduction of water to hydrogen gas.

Remember, it does not matter whether we write the equations as above or with one electron only: H+ + e ® ½H2 . The Eo value is the same (see CCHSC page 59).

5. Anodisation of aluminium

On page 406 it was stated that aluminium was a passivating metal, meaning that it readily forms a protective oxide layer that prevents further oxidation (corrosion). This protective oxide layer can be made thicker and hence more effective in protecting the underlying metal by a process called anodising.

The aluminium object to be protected is made the anode in an electrolysis cell: the electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid and the cathode a piece of unreactive metal (for example, stainless steel or platinum). Under these conditions the process that occurs at the anode is
2Al + 3H2O
® Al2O3 + 6H+ + 6e
This thickens the oxide layer and so make the aluminium more resistant to corrosion.

If certain dyes (coloured materials) are also present in the electrolyte, they can become incorporated in the oxide layer and so give it a definite colour. In this way aluminium objects can be given distinctive and durable colours. Gold and bronze coloured anodised aluminium objects, such as car and door keys, are fairly common.  Less fashionable now than they were 20 years ago, brightly coloured saucepan lids and cake containers can probably still be seen in your grandmother's kitchen.